Entries by Dagmar Richardson

1 Swiss Immigration Law – application in 26 different cantons

Switzerland, officially the Swiss Confederation, is a federal republic in Europe and consists of 26 cantons. Switzerland has one law regulating immigration, the so called Federal Act on Foreign Nationals FNA. This Act regulates the entry and exit, residence and family reunification of foreign nationals in Switzerland. It regulates especially the application process for Non-EU/-EFTA […]

Swiss working permits for spouses

Spouses of EU / EFTA citizens are free to work in Switzerland and can take on work any time. Should the partner leave Switzerland they can stay and continue to work. Spouses of citizens of third countries (outside EU / EFTA) and being themselves not EU / EFTA citizens can work in Switzerland and stay […]

Swiss Federal Council decision on implementation of new constitution article on migration of EU citizens

In February 2014, Swiss voters approved a political initiative which demanded further steps to tighten the possibility to migrate to Switzerland (“Masseneinwanderungsinitiative”). To derivate the laws necessary to fulfil the new constitution article implemented by this initiative, it has subsequently been processed in the parliament and has now also passed the Federal Council. The Federal […]

Fake news about Romanians and Bulgarians

You may have read in the news this week that Switzerland has restricted access for Romanians and Bulgarians to the Swiss labor market. Well, not really, the Swiss Federal Council has restricted the issuance of 5 year B permits to a quota of 996 over the next 12 months. Can a Romanian or Bulgarian work […]

Control of US work permits

US work permits are being controlled during stay in US In the current climate of increased immigration enforcement, employers may see more worksite inspections by USCIS anti-fraud officers verifying the employment of foreign workers. There can be unannounced inspections of the worksites of employers who sponsor foreign workers.  The purpose of a site inspection is […]

Permanent establishment and Legal entity

A company can have abroad a Permanent establishment without having a Legal entity. The OECD Model Convention clarifies when a Permanent establishment is established, which is included in most double tax agreements. PERMANENT ESTABLISHMENT For the purposes of this Convention, the term “Permanent establishment” means a fixed place of business through which the business of […]

Work abroad which doesn’t need to be taxed abroad

Income of employees working abroad needs to be taxed, but from where and when? Companies are rather unsure when the work from their employees needs to be taxed abroad. Income needs to be taxed in the country where the work is physically executed, so theoretically every day working abroad would need to be taxed. To […]

China work permits

Process for work permits for China has changed! There have been major changes in terms of the work authorization process for China. There is a New China Unified Work Authorization Process for Foreign Nationals: Online information platform Three categories of foreign workers working in China The Chinese government decided to try out the new process […]