Entries by Dagmar Richardson

IHRS Info COVID; New regulations in Switzerland

The good news first; the quarantine list for people coming to Switzerland became very short. Andorra Armenia Belgium France (few regions) Czech Republic On the other side Switzerland is struggling with a lot of cases, although the amount of the tests is 10 times higher than in spring. The Swiss government threatens with a second […]

How to obtain a Swiss working permit?

We receive many questions on how to obtain a Swiss working permit. Please find underneath the general rules for people who would like to work in Switzerland (does not include family reunion). The processes of the grey marked fields are less known and are worth to consider when the case fits. A lot of immigration […]

IHRS Info COVID; Quarantine for travelers from certain countries

Today the Swiss government decided that travelers from certain regions will have to go into quarantine. With effect from Monday, 6 June, travelers entering Switzerland from certain regions will have to go into quarantine for 10 days. There is a list of concerned countries published online and updated regularly. Travelers affected will be notified during […]

IHRS Info COVID; Italian commuters to Switzerland

Exceptionally it is accepted that the working days carried out in the State of residence, at home and on behalf of an employer located in the other contracting state, as a result of the measures taken to combat the spread of COVID-19, are counted as the working days in the state where the person would […]

IHRS Info COVID; Opening borders within all EU/EFTA states on June 15

Switzerland plans to open its border towards all EU/EFTA states on June 15, 2020. Most EU/EFTA Countries plan also to open on June 15 the borders for all European Union Member states including Britons, as well as citizens of the Schengen Associated Countries – Liechtenstein, Norway, and Iceland. Exceptions are towards certain regions in Italy, […]

Swiss Job Registration Requirement – Reactivation on June 8 after Corona Pause

The so-called job registration requirement («Stellenmeldepflicht»), is re-activated as per June 8th, 2020, after it had been stopped as a measure to ensure sufficient workforce availability in relevant fields during the Corona pandemic. Following a public vote, the job registration requirement has been introduced in Switzerland in 2018 as a measure to enhance job chances […]

IHRS Info COVID; Approved rules for opening Swiss borders

On May 27th the Swiss government agreed about rules to ease entry restrictions into Switzerland. Rules starting June 8th for Business Applications for residence (L, B) or cross-border commuter (G) permit from workers from EU/EFTA member states will be normally processed again. Notifications for short-term deployments with an employer in Switzerland and for cross-border services […]

IHRS Info COVID; Opening Swiss borders

Switzerland plans to open the borders with Germany, Austria and France on 15 June 2020. This is only valid for private travelers. In the business area it facilitates to invite habitants of those countries to a personal interview in Switzerland. The rules for immigration remain unchanged, see Newsletter from May 11th. Please don’t hesitate to […]